English Translation of “Buddhaguna”


Honor to Him , the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the fully Enlightened One. Honor to Him , the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the fully Enlightened One. Honor to Him , the Blessed One, the Worthy One, the fully Enlightened One.


I go to the Buddha as my refuge.
I go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
I go to the Sangha as my refuge.

For the second time i go to the Buddha as my refuge.
For the second time i go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
For the second time i go to the Sangha as my refuge.

For the third time i go to the Buddha as my refuge.
For the third time i go to the Dhamma as my refuge.
For the third time i go to the Sangha as my refuge.


Such indeed is that Blessed One, Exalted.
Omniscient, endowed with knowledge and virtue.
Well-gone, knower of the worlds.
a Guide incomparable for the training of individuals.
Teacher of gods and men,
Enlightened and Holy.


To be self-realized
with immediate fruit;
inviting to come and see;
capable of being entered upon;
to be attained by the wise, each for himself.


Of good conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One.
Of upright conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One.
Of wise conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One.
Of dutiful conduct is the Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One.

This Order of the Disciples of the Blessed One
namely, these Four Pairs of Persons, the eight types of individuals,
is worthy of gifts,
is worthy of hospitality,
is worthy of offerings,
is worthy of reverential saluatation,
is an incomparable field of merit for the world.


Creating thousang hands with weapons armed,
was Mara seated on the trumpeting, ferocious elephant Girimekhala
Him, together with his army, did the Lord of Sages subdue by means of generosity and other virtues.
By the grace of which may joyous victory be mine.

More violent than Mara was the indocile obstinate demon Alavaka
who battled with the Buddha throughout the whole night.
Him, did the Lord of Sages subdue by means of his patience and self-control. By the grace of which may joyous victory be mine.

Nalagiri, the king elephant, highly intoxicated,
was raging like a forest fire and was terrible as a thunder-bolt.
Sprinkling the waters of loving-kindness, this ferocious beast, did the Lord of Sages subdue.
By the grace of which may joyous victory be mine.

With lifted sword, for a distance of three leagues, did wicked Angulimala run.
Him, did the Lord of Sages subdue by his psychic powers.
By the grace of which may joyous victory be mine.

Her belly round with faggots, to stimulate the biness of pregnancy Cinca, with harsh words made foul accusation in the midst of an assemblage.
Her, did the Lord of Sages subdue by his serene and peaceful bearing. By the grace of which may joyous victory be mine.

Haughty Saccaka, who ignored truth, was like a banner controversy, and his vision was blinded by his own disputations.
Lighting the lamp of wisdom, him, did the Lord of Sages subdue.
By the grace of which may joyous victory be mine.

The wise and powerful serpent Nandopananda,
the Noble sage got subdued by psychic powers
through his disciple con-Thera Moggallana.
By the grace of which may joyouys victory be mine.

The pure, radiant, majestic Brahma, named Baka,
who hand was grievously held by the snake of tenacious heresies,
did the Lord of Sages cured with his medicine of wisdom.
By the grace of which may joyous victory be mine.

The wise one, who daily recites and earnestly remembers
these eight verses of joyous victory of the Buddha,
will get rid of various misfortunes
and gain the bliss of Nibbana.


The Lord greatly compassionate for the welfare of all living beings
Having fulfilled all the perfections attained by himself the highest Bodhi: by the speaking of this truth, may you be blessed with victory.

Victorious at the Bodhi-tree root.

He who increased delight for the Sakyans, thus may victory be yours
May you win the blessing of victory. In the undefeated posture upon
The exalted holy place having the consecration of all the Buddhas
He rejoices in the best attainment. A good time, an auspicious time, a good dawn, a good morning, a good instant, a good moment (when) well-given (are things) to brahmacaris, (when) bodily kamma is righteous, and righteousness is verbal kamma. (when) mental kamma is righteous, righteousness are their aspirations. These righteousness having been done one gains the goal of righteousness.

May all the blessings accrue. May all devas protect you. By the glory of all Buddhas may security ever be yours!

May all blessings accrue. May all devas protect you. By the glory of all Truth’s Laws may security ever be yours!

May all blessings accrue. May all devas protect you. By the glory of all Saintly Disciples may security ever be yours!


Such indeed is that Blessed One, Exalted,
Omniscient, endowed with knowledge and virtue
Well-gone, knower of the worlds,
a Guide incomparable for the training of individuals,
Teacher of gods and men,
Enlightened and Holy.

May all beings who are subject to birth, aging, disease and death, be happy.

May they be without enmity.
May they be without malevolence.
May they be without physical or mental suffering.
May they be happy in both body and mind.
May they be able to protect themselves from danger.


May this merit accrue to my mother and my father,
May they be happy.

May this merit accrue to all my relatives; may they be happy.

May this merit accrue to my teachers and my preceptor; may they be happy.

May this merit accrue to all gods; may they be happy.

May this merit accrue to all hungry ghosts; may they be happy.

May this merit accrue to all enemies; may they be happy.

May this merit accrue to all beings, may they be happy.